The Foundation of Laguna Woods Village: Who we are and what we do. Mission Statement: A charitable organization dedicated to helping residents of Laguna Woods Village by providing temporary financial and emergency assistance for individuals in need as well as funding life-enhancing programs for the community. Vision Statement: Neighbors helping neighbors establish a sustainable and healthy community.
The Foundation has produced a series of programs, initially shown on Laguna Woods Village Television which also appear on YouTube, dealing with how we all should plan for our potential incapacity and end of life. Each program is an interview with an expert on the topic.
Video: Advanced Care Directives Guest Experts: Matthew Janssen, MD, Hospice Medical Director. Lawrence Tran, MD, Medical Director of Inpatient Services. Both: MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center. Foundation: Marcy Sheinwold Who will speak for you when you cannot? Make your wishes known. Talk to loved ones and sign documents that detail your wishes and values. Documents include: Advance Care Directive; POLST form that you complete with your doctor; and power of attorney. Surrogates should make decisions that you want, not what they want.
Video: Estate Planning Guest Expert: Fay Blix, Esq., Attorney: Elder law, estate planning and probate. Foundation: Marcy Sheinwold Estate planning is for all of us. What is estate planning? Plan for whom you want involved; a substitute decision maker; giving to whom, how and when you want; and saving on taxes and court costs. Establish a living trust.
Video: Reluctance to Plan Guest Expert: Sonia Sehgal, MD, Geriatric medicine, UC Irvine. Foundation: Joel Goldstein, Debra David An acute medical emergency often catches people unaware. Only about 1 in 3 adults has a written plan. They may lack knowledge of resources; have cultural sensitivities, superstitions or fears; or may not have an available surrogate. Consult with an elder law attorney. Meet with your primary care physician to plan medical options.
Video: Digital Assets Planning Guest Expert: Debbie Dotson, Host: Let’s Talk Tech. Foundation: Joel Goldstein Secure your digital assets as part of your estate planning. Assets include social media sites, photos and images, videos, ebooks, diaries and creative work. Organize assets, secure and share them. Nominate a digital executor.
Video: Incapacity and Estate Planning Guest Expert: Fay Blix, Esq., Attorney: Elder law, estate planning and probate. Foundation: Marcy Sheinwold Look ahead: what do you want people to know/do if you become incapacitated? How do you protect your rights, interests, property and health care if you can no longer communicate? Don’t be afraid. Do it now.
Video: Avoiding Financial Exploitation Guest Expert: Kerrie Lloyd, VP, Index Fund Advisors. Foundation: Marcy Sheinwold When in doubt, don’t. No concern is too small. How to protect yourself in different situations: money scams, contractors, caregivers. Resources: FINRA, licensing bureaus, legal/financial professionals and social services.
Video: Planning for the End of Life Guest Expert: Renay Teper, Dignity Memorial. Foundation: Debra David Preplanning is a gift to your loved ones. Make decisions in advance so you have enough time to consider options about what is meaningful for you and your family. Consider Disposition (burial or cremation) and Service (celebration of life, memorial; graveside or other setting).
Video: Hospice & Palliative Care Guest Expert: True L. McMahan, MD, Director, Palliative Care, MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center Foundation: Marcy Sheinwold What is your understanding of hospice care? How is it different from palliative care and how is it paid for? When are patients transitioned to hospice care; and do patients still receive treatment when on hospice care?
Useful Materials for Planning Needs FIVE WISHES This brochure is a United States advance directive created by the non-profit organization Aging With Dignity. It has been described as a “Living Will with a heart and soul.” Village residents can obtain this brochure from Laguna Woods Village Social Services Department on request, 949-597-4267
CALIFORNIA ADVANCE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE This document can be obtained online - type in “California Health Care Directive” The document also includes Power of Attorney for Health Care.
POLST Physician Order For Life-Sustaining Treatment (Obtain Online) The POLST form should be completed by a medical provider in which the patient and provider should discuss the form’s medical terms and options. The form, which is usually printed on pink paper, is available here.
FILE OF LIFE THE FILE OF LIFE FOUNDATION, INC. , (800) 814-1788 “An organization that promotes emergency preparedness through the lifesaving File of Life program.” File of Life Magnet Pouch and Large Standard Card price $0.62-$1.12. This is to be used for your latest medical information, contact person and more. Keep it in a place visible for family, contact person, and first responders.
YOUR COMPLETE INFORMATION FOR LIFE KIT This tool is for putting together a comprehensive compilation of your personal, legal, medical, and financial information. To order online for $3.50, Go to, then go to Resource, and go down to csa store, click on Standard Brochures and you will find “Your Complete Information For Life Kit.